The mistake I made as a starting writer and why you should stop filling your mind before writing (if you want to write faster and with more clarity)

Ron Zuidema
3 min readApr 25, 2023


Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

I used to fill my head with information before I started writing.

As an eternal student, I am always looking for ways to improve. I read and watch a lot, especially before writing sessions. I loaded myself up with everything I thought I needed to know.

Now I realize that having a full mind before writing is like going to an eating contest stuffed with food.

It just doesn’t work.

It makes my writing hard, and I often feel frustrated not being able to write what and how I want to.

If you’re experiencing the same challenge, this article is for you.

Make sure your mind is empty before writing, not full.

If your mind is full, it has a hard time being creative.

I don’t know who said it, but it must have been a wise person: “A relaxed mind is a creative mind.” I think it was somewhere in the yoga philosophy.

When I am trying to write with a full mind, I have a hard time coming up with the right lines and words. It just doesn’t flow. I keep thinking about what to say and how to say it. And the editing is even worse. I keep rewriting the lines forever.

I quit the session unfinished and frustrated. Wasted.

But when you do have an empty mind, the writing feels easy. Words start to flow. It’s like you are getting help from the writing gods, with endless inspiration. Almost effortlessly.

So, what can you do to get your mind empty before writing?

#1. Don’t read or watch anything before your writing session.

It’s important that your mind be as empty as possible.

Every tiny bit of information fills it up bit by bit. And you never know beforehand what kind of information will escalate into something more. Escalating into a rabbit hole from which you might not be able to escape anymore

So, avoid all input.

No reading. No watching YouTube. No listening to the news. It’s all input you don’t need before your writing session. Try to avoid it at all costs.

#2. Brainstorm about your idea the night before.

You sleep better this way, and your mind subconsciously works on the idea while you sleep.

This is how you do it:

  1. Note the idea on a piece of paper.
  2. Write down everything that comes to mind for the next 10 minutes.
  3. Put the paper away. You’re done.

Hopefully you experience, just as I did, that you sleep better and the idea is more clear the next morning. It’s magical!

#3. Use these activities to empty the mind during the day.

Sometimes it’s not possible to keep an empty mind before writing.

But this is what you can do to get your mind more empty:

  • Journaling
  • Walking
  • Meditating

These activities help you process your thoughts.

Writing with an empty mind works way better than with a full mind. I hope these tips help you with your writing. Just as it did for me.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Ron Zuidema

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